Off-street parking

Cannes has 2166 payable off-street parking spaces. Not forgetting the 16,000 free parking spaces all over town!

High street/tourism zone and Ecopark zone

Download the map (PDF 7,1 Mo) 

There are two zones, yellow and green, with parking meters for drivers (workers, residents, visitors) to park in the city centre.

  • Payable Monday-Saturday: 8am-12pm and 2pm-7pm
  • Free on Sundays and bank holidays
  • Obstructive, dangerous and inappropriate parking is a criminal offence. Subject to location, your car may be towed and you could be fined up to 135 €. 

Shopping/tourism zone (green on the map)

  • The first 30 minutes of parking are free once a day
  • A great price at 3 € for 2 hours
  • A 17 € FPS fee which applies if you do not pay to park or do not pay the full amount.

Charges for the first time you park

30 minutes free once a day

  • 15min : free
  • 30min : free
  • 45min : 0,20 €
  • 1h : 0,40 €
  • 1h15 : 0,60 €
  • 1h30 : 1 €
  • 1h45 : 1,50 €
  • 2h : 2 €
  • 2h15 : 2,50 €
  • 2h30 : 3 €
  • 2h45 : 10 €
  • 3h : 17 €

Charges for the second time you park (in the same day)

  • 15min : 0,20 €
  • 30min : 0,40 €
  • 45min : 0,60 €
  • 1h : 1 €
  • 1h15 : 1,50 €
  • 1h30 : 2 €
  • 1h45 : 2,50 €
  • 2h : 3 €
  • 2h15 : 10 €
  • 2h30 : 17 €

Ecopark zone (yellow on the map)

  • The first hour of parking is free once a day
  • A great price at 3 € for 2 hours
  • A 17 € FPS fee which applies if you do not pay to park or do not pay the full amount.

Charges for the first time you park

1h free once a day

  • 15min : free
  • 30min : free
  • 45min : free
  • 1h : free
  • 1h15 : 0,20 €
  • 1h30 : 0,40 €
  • 1h45 : 0,60 €
  • 2h : 1 €
  • 2h15 : 1,50 €
  • 2h30 : 2 €
  • 2h45 : 2,50 €
  • 3h : 3 €
  • 3h15 : 10 €
  • 3h30 : 17 €

Charges for the second time you park (in the same day)

  • 15min : 0,20 €
  • 30min : 0,40 €
  • 45min : 0,60 €
  • 1h : 1 €
  • 1h15 : 1,50 €
  • 1h30 : 2 €
  • 1h45 : 2,50 €
  • 2h : 3 €
  • 2h15 : 10 €
  • 2h30 : 17 €

How does it work?

Example n°1: I need to do a quick half-hour shop in the green zone

Parking is free.

  • I enter my reg number using the keyboard on the parking meter
  • I take my parking ticket and can park up to the time stated on the ticket

Example n°2: I park and get a 90 minute parking ticket (2 €) but my shopping trip takes longer than expected

  • I extend my parking time (max. 2.5 hours) at the parking meter 

Example n°3: I park in the green or yellow zone and exceed my parking time (max. 2.5 hours)

  • A sworn officer drafts a FPS fee for up to 17 € which I receive at home. The amount of the last ticket is deducted from the FPS fee.

How to dispute a payment notice?

If you would like to dispute a payment notice, please make a mandatory administrative appeal (RAPO) before any referral to the competent jurisdiction or the referral will be dismissed.

How to send your appeal (RAPO)?

  • Online at: 
    By clicking the button above, you will be moving to a secure external page and leaving our website.

  • or by recorded delivery to:
    45 boulevard Carnot
    BP 20277
    06405 CANNES CEDEX

How long do I have to make an appeal?

The appeal (RAPO) must be sent within a month.
You should receive the notice within 5 clear days of the date it was sent.

What do I have to include?

Mandatory items:

  • Description of events and grounds for appeal
  • Copy of the disputed payment notice
  • Copy of the vehicle registration certificate or vehicle handover certificate and proof of its registration

Optional depending on your situation:

  • Any items that help understand the grounds of your appeal.
    As the registration certificate holder, vehicle lessee or owner, you can assign anyone to make your administrative appeal on your behalf. In this case, please send the authorisation certificate with your appeal.

Response time from the administrative authority or their delegate

  • If you have not received a written response within a month of receiving the notice by post or email, the appeal has been dismissed.
  • You can dispute the decision within one month at the car park claims commission as long as you have paid the FPS fee stated in the payment notice and fulfil the other appeal admissibility conditions.

Right to access and rectification

Any details provided when serving a payment notice are subject to automated data processing in accordance with the French Data Protection Act. You can exercise your access and rectification rights by contacting the authority whose officer served the payment notice.

More information